Monday, December 8, 2014

This I Believe

This I Believe
This I believe and have always believed in spirits / ghosts or whatever you choose to call them. There are several paranormal events that have happened in the house that I and my siblings grew up in. The house had many spirits in it. There were shadow people in the upstairs hallway, you can hear footsteps going up and down the stairs when no one was there with you. You could place something down and find it somewhere else in the house. You could hear a radio playing when there wasn’t one on and on quiet nights in the living room downstairs even hear a piano being played. There hadn't been a piano in the house since the late 1960's for we moved into the house in the mid 70’s and the house sat empty for 3 years prior to us moving in.
Now the weirdest thing that I had happen to me was about a month after my dad passed I was getting ready to go upstairs for the night, had all the lights off and was walking across the living room to go to the stairs and happen to look out towards the kitchen. There standing in the middle of the kitchen with the light on was my father with his hands on his hips, I flew up the stairs and under my covers. It scared me half to death.
I’m posting a picture that was taken a couple of months after my dad passed away. It was taken at my daughter’s apartment, in it you will see my grandson and a figure behind him. It looks like a cloud of smoke but there were no candles or anything burning that day and we were unable to figure out what it is, but if you look closely enough you can make out a face and see arms trying to come around my grandson.
I went on to ask my sister-in-law what she has experienced and below are some of the things that has happen to her in the past couple of years since she has lived there. Music can often be heard late in the evening hours in one of the bedrooms upstairs.  The music itself cannot be discerned but the melodic beat is unmistakable.   The downstairs living room is sometimes host to the beautiful music of a single piano playing, although this does not happen very often.  There has even been an instant one night, where I woke up in start, as if there was someone was in the room.  That is when I noticed the imprint on the bed as if someone was sitting on the edge.  After blinking several times the indentation was gone and so was the strange feeling of being watched.
A feeling of unease and being watched is a common occurrence in the house.  Although none of it feels malicious it does make you often look behind you and give your surroundings a second look.

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